Onward to Inndyr

It was another nice morning when we woke up at Reipa, and as soon as breakfast was finished Callum and Logan headed along the little play area whilst Joyce and myself sorted out Bessie.

We were ready to leave the campsite at about 11am, there was no rush this morning. Today we were going to meet up with Dag and Eiren at their hytte in Inndyr. However both Dag and Eirin were working as it is Friday and Dag had had a very busy week at work and would not finish until about 3pm, then they would get organised and be at the hytte by 5pm. So we had time to go and do something for a few hours and we decided to head up to the Salstrumen and see if the boys could catch some fish.

We passed by Indyr, and after a few tunnels we crossed a big bridge which had some people fishing under it, we carried on a bit further and came to a fuel station, that was something we needed so I pulled in and filled up the tank. This place also sold the Norwegian style hotdogs and the smell got the better of us and we grabbed 4 and also at that point we decided not to bother going to the Salstrumen but to head back to the big bridge and this is what we did.

After the hotdogs were scoffed we looked out the fishing tackle and wandered along and found a place in between the fishers who were already there. We all fished and fished for ages and. Not a single fish was caught between any one of us, really strange as there are normally fish everywhere about here, maybe its just too popular and the fish are all caught, Joyce however chatted to a Swedish lady who said she fished there regularly and this was the first time she had not caught anything. On a plus note it was however a great place for the boys to practice their casting, it's tricky to master but straight away Callum got the hang of it, he basically said he watched how I did it and suddenly when I turned round he was casting away good style, a little while later and with just a few demonstrations Logan also had it sussed, there were no difficult snags here so it was a great place for them. The only thing missing was a fish but they will come in time. I was really proud to see them both casting away really well and totally loving what they were doing.

I got a message saying Dag and Eiren were now in Inndyr so we were soon up there too and it was definitely yet another very special occasion seeing them both again after 4 years. We have kept in touch via WhatsApp and we knew this day would come eventually, we had made that promise to each other.  Once I got Bessie maneuvered onto a levelish area (during which I hit Dags stair banister...(doh!! he must think I am a careless driver) we were welcomed into their lovely second home yet again, and not long after we were into the beers and Aquavit too. After a hard day or week at work I am in need of a beer and I think Dag is the same, but regardless the reason beers were gonna be consumed this evening. 

Dag and Eirin are really good with the boys, Dag chats with them and takes the Mickey out of them, they have their own children and are now grandparents also so they are great with kids. A traditional holiday game called Kubb was set up and soon we were all throwing wooden pegs at the opposing teams wooden pieces in the garden. It was Noway versus Scotland, although the numbers were uneven so Logan had decided he was happy to be Norwegian for the day. Good fun was had with the Kubb for a while and as it happened Scotland were pretty good at it. 

Dag soon had the barbie fired up and not long after we were tucking into a fine meal washed down with some fine beer, wine and aquavit. Eiren had done wonders getting all this sorted out so quickly after a day at work and we are now definitely owe them a bit hospitality when or if they choose to come to Scotland for a holiday which we definitely hope they will some day soon.

We had lots to chat about as a lot has happened in the last 4 years and the night was soon in full swing. Dag was really keen to tell me all about his new electric car...a Hyundai Ionic, he really loves it although he has only had it for a few weeks. Strangely a new car was the reason that we bumped into each other 4 years ago in Trondheim so there seems to be a theme here about new cars and us meeting, lol. 

Joyce, the boys and Eirin all headed to bed at about 1am leaving myself and Dag to blether until it was hardly worth going to bed...it was fabulous meeting up with such good friends again but at 5am we decided a few hours sleep would be better than none and we threw in the towels and hit the hay. The Swedish and Norwegian beers, aquavit and Kilchoman supplies had been seriously depleted in this wee session. 

Another great reunion on this holiday 🥰🥰. 


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