Hemsedall Topp 20.

Back in 2019 Callum and I had climbed the Skogshorn a 1728m high peak in the area. It was a good achievement for him at the time as he was only 4. Logan did not climb the Skogshorn as be was too young....he might well (and probably would) have managed it but he didn't attempt it back then. So, I had designs on getting us all up another of Hemsedals Topp 20. 

Its a bit of a tourism marketing ploy but I think it's a good one, it gets visitors exploring different areas in the valley and gives a good reason (not that you really need one...its stunning) to return to the area. Just as in ski run gradings they have given each hill a colour grading, green, blue, red and black....easy to hard. 20 hills in the area have been listed and when you climb one of the hills you can for a small fee at the tourist office buy a little pin badge. I have for the last 4 years been looking at Callums lonely Skogshorn badge hanging on the curtain in Bessie and always wanted to go back and add to it. 

But....which hill to climb...

I had little time to decide, the forecast looked good so we had to do one. I only had a borowed map that I had to give back in the morning to the nice campsite lady. To be honest on a good day once you find the start point a "proper" map is hardly needed, the painted rocks are quite good for helping find tbe way and like on Scottish munros or any other popular hill there is a well trodden path.....but if the clouds came down it could be a different proposition. I never ever go up hills without a map at home and I try not to here also. A map and compass are basic and fundamental safety equipment in the hills.

So, I had chosen the Harahorn. A red graded hill, the same as the Skogshorn. But with less distance or ascent. 1581m with a start point of 1130m....piece of cake. Breakfast was finished,  Bessie all sorted and we headed north through the town,  with a quick stop to buy my own map,  to the bottom of the hill which was up a very steep and rough gravel road....2nd gear all the way for Bessie....its quite amazing what her little 100bhp engine will pull her up. 

We grabbed a quick sannie at the van as it had been a while since breakfast and headed off with a big black cloud looming over the top of the hill. We set off, waterproofs in the bags and some food and my new map. I was more concerned about thunder and lightning as it looked ominous....but...it passed and after a while and a bit a of narrow ridge near the top we were on the summit. It was quite a busy hill but it wasn't too bad at the top when we arrived so managed a few photos with only us in them. Logan was straight to work in the visitors book (or whatever they call it)...Callum as per usual was more interested in food, lol. We spent a while on the top, it was nice but a bit cool. The views were really superb. Very Scottish Cairngorm type of landscape and it reminded us of home, as does a lot of Norway.

Back at the van after just over 3 hours and we headed back down into Hemsedal, visited the tourist information centre and got Logan his first, and Callum his second Topp 20 badge. Both boys were really happy and we are happy parents too. It was roasting and we grabbed an Ice-cream and watched fishers in the river...note...its free for under 16's and people doing some sort of river canyoning thing...jumping off the bridges etc.

The plan tomorrow is to meet my nephew Sam near Oslo for a few hours before we leave Norway in the evening. So we have headed south, but not as far as we mayve should have as I saw a road on the map that looked more interesting than the main road. So, we are in a nice Bobil parkering area on the 238 road, by the side of a nice lake. Both boys have been in for a swim. We have had dinner and it is now bedtime. Early start tomorrow so we can see Sam for as much time as possible.

Whisky...beer....over and out!!.


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