
Showing posts from January, 2019

Each to their own.

  The CMD Arete. I don't intend writing blogs about all my days in the hills. In fact I am bit late for that having now been walking and climbing for well over 20 years, and not having blogged about any of them in that time pretty much, but last Saturday feels worthy of a few words. The loose plan was first hatched on the Monday as the long range forecast looked good for the Saturday. Now that's almost a week away and in Scotland a lot can change in that time, but I Whatsapped Sheila to see if she was free at the weekend which she was, the plan was to keep an eye on the forecast and hopefully get a day out. Sheila had done well on Ben Ime and Narnain last week whilst suffering the effects of a chest infection which everyone would appear to have been afflicted with at some point this winter, so a good long day was on the cards. It was my first full weekend off since the New Year and I find it harder to drag myself away from me family when I have been working a lot, but I n...

Day no 1. The Irish Adventure begins.....

Unfortunately this day's Blog was deleted by mistake, it explained a lot about our decisions to go to Ireland. I may one day get round to rewriting it. For the time being here's a couple of photos. Callum and Logan eagerly waiting to board the ferry at Cairnryan.

Out with the old, in with the new.

Its been a while since out Ireland trip and Bessie hasn't really turned a wheel since other than a trip to the garage to get her new rubber fitted. New tyres are fitted all round, 2 full winter tyres on the front as we have been using for the last 4 years, and 2 Mud and Snow marked tyres on the rear, they are not full winter treads but that's a long story that I don't want to go into here. It's all to do with load ratings and I simply couldn't find suitable rated winter tyres for the back of the van where more of the weight is. Last New Year we had a great few days away, the first night at The Clachaig, the 2nd in The Sheildaig Bar and Kitchen and the 3rd (Hogmanay) in The Applecross Inn. All were good evenings, with a few beers and good food, it was also a very snowy winters trip. We hoped to repeat that trip or do something similar this year. However it didn't start well, we phoned The Applecross Inn and tried to book a table for Hogmanay and they were full...